In what I'm sure will set a terrible precedent, the first ever Weekend Weirdness is not, in fact, being posted on the weekend. I feel my defense that Alien Earth was not available to the public until this morning is pretty ironclad, however.
Every weekend, which includes Monday apparently, I will post some setting tidbit or game mechanic for use with Alien Earth. The kind of stuff that's too bizarrely specific or complicated to put in anything I have the audacity to charge for. I will also take requests if you post them to the comment on the current Weekend Weirdness. You can be as vague or specific as you want, but I reserve the right to refuse any suggestion for any dumb reason in my head.
On to this week's weirdness:
Food Plants of the Second Dark Age
The following are just a few of the genetically engineered superplants that dominate the Earth, having out-competed all of the similar natural plants to the point of near extinction. The abundance of these very healthy fruits and vegetables is one of the things that has made the hunter/gatherer lifestyle so attractive to many of the remaining human tribes. The names given here are the official pre-fall names of the species; many tribes have their own names for them.
The fruit of the Meat Catcus is a meaty slab that is a high source of protein and has a lot of the properties of flesh, especially when cooked properly. Meat cactus is very hardy and will grow almost anywhere.
The bright red Everyfruit contains all of the best properties of every fruit that existed at the time of it's creation. This makes it extremely tasty and nutritious. The wood of the everyfruit tree is also very strong and useful as building materials.
A single Vitaberry contains the entire daily recommended vitamin requirement (circa centuries ago) for an adult human. They are also surprisingly filling given their small size. Vitaberries grow in every color of the rainbow. Vitaberries grow like weeds and can actually be a nuisance to rare farmers attempting to cultivate other crops.
Milkroot plants grow tubers which contain a milky white liquid that is extremely nutritious, roughly analogous to milk. Milkroot grows very fast and can usually produce a full sized tuber in a few weeks after planting.
The bright yellow Honeygourd resembles a very large pale pumpkin. The innards of the honeygourd are sweet tasting and highly nutritious. Honeygourds form the staple of many Second Dark Age diets and a single decent sized gourd can often feed an entire family for several days. A hollowed out honeygourd also makes a decent pot.
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